Job Announcements

MNF Facility Engineer – Dry Etch Engineer @ INL
We are looking for a qualified Engineer to reinforce our team and activities within device microfabrication and nanotechnology.
19 Jan 2025
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) - Braga, Portugal


GNeuS Call N.3
19 GNeuS Postdoc Positions of 24 months in Neutron Science at Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching bei München.
17 Jan 2024
Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching bei München, Germany
2 PhD positions open at Università degli Studi di Milano
2 PhD grants (3 years 2023-2026) are activated at the PhD School on Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics.
27 Jul 2023
Università degli Studi di Milano Milano Italy
Position for graduate student for “Nanostructural characterization by electron microscopy of materials of interest for energy and catalysis”
The successful candidate will collaborate in the experimental activity concerning, in the first place, the characterization of nanomaterials of interest for energy and catalysis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, in strong synergy with the groups of materials growth by PLD and electron characterization by techniques based on the use of synchrotron light.
16 Jul 2022
IOM Institute - TRIESTE
PhD Student Offer in Lensless Imaging (Algorithm development)
Within the framework of a project to develop new concepts of coherent imaging techniques in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range.
PSI | Villigen | Switzerland
Post Doc position in XAS in-operando spectroscopy
Within the framework of study of the catalytic properties of porous materials by XAS in-operando spectroscopy
20 Nov 2017
CNR-IOM | Trieste | Italy
Post-doc position in Growth and characterization of thin films @ CNR-IOM
The successful candidate will contribute to the experimental activities concerning the development of protocols for the growth of materials and heterostructures thin films by Pulsed Laser Deposition, in particular for the study of heterostructures based on strongly electron correlated materials.
CNR-IOM | Trieste | Italy
Permanent position for Equipment Technician or Engineer @ Lund
LNL is now seeking a qualified Equipment Technician/Engineer who will be responsible for service and preventive and corrective maintenance on a variety of tools and support equipment.
14 Jan 2018
Lund University, Sweden
Post-doc for (f/m) Nanotransfer
NANOLAB DESY, Hamburg location, is seeking: Scientist (Postdoc) (f/m) Nanotransfer.
10 May 2018
DESY | Hamburg | Germany
Post-doc position in Electron Microscopy @ CNR-IOM
The successful candidate will work at the experimental activities concerning characterisation by scanning and transmission electron microscopy of nanostructured materials, with particular reference to heterostructures based on strongly correlated materials.
20 Jul 2018
CNR-IOM | Trieste | Italy
Project Engineer in Nanotechnology @ ESRF
In the framework of two projects (NFFA and the IRT NanoElec), ESRF is recruiting a Project Engineer who will work in the Business Development Office to support the main actions related with those two initiatives.
14 Jan 2019
ESRF |Grenoble | France
Postdoctor in Nanolithography @ Lund University
nano-processing using high resolution lithographic techniques, including nanoimprint and block-copolymers.
16 Jun 2019
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Physics
Trainee in Engineering for a project focus on Nanosafety @ ESRF
ESRF | Grenoble | France
Post-doc position in In-situ/In operando Electron Microscopy @ CNR-IOM
The successful candidate will work at the experimental activities concerning in operando characterization by transmission electron microscopy of different materials systems (e.g. catalysts, liquid/solid interfaces) in different environments (liquid, ambient pressure, etc...).
CNR-IOM | Trieste | Italy
Postdoctoral Fellow in X-Ray optics and ultrafast spectroscopy
For a collaboration between Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology LMN and the X-Ray Free Electron Laser Facility SwissFEL Paul Scherrer Institute PSI are looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow in X-Ray optics and ultrafast spectroscopy
Villigen PSI - Switzerland
PhD program in Nanotechnology @ University of Trieste
PhD program in Nanotechnology (2D materials at near ambient pressure: a fundamental spectroscopic approach)
University of Trieste | Trieste | Italy
Advanced characterization by electron microscopy of nanostructured materials as well as thin film heterostructures
Within the NFFA-Europe Project, to be carried out at the Trieste Headquarters of the IOM Institute under the scientific responsibility of Dr. Regina Ciancio.
5 Oct 2020
IOM Institute - Headquarters of TRIESTE
Growth of thin films and heterostructures and structural, electronic and magnetic characterization using table-top techniques and methods based on the use of synchrotron radiation
Within the NFFA-Europe Project, to be carried out at the Trieste Headquarters of the IOM Institute under the scientific responsibility of Dr. Pasquale Orgiani.
12 Oct 2020
IOM Institute - Headquarters of TRIESTE
Research data management - part-time 75%
Within the framework of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform, we develop new concepts and technologies for the sustainable handling of research data.
19 Oct 2020
KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Postdoc Correlative Nano-Spectroscopy and Nano-Diffraction @ DESY
The DESY NanoLab has an active in-house research program within the fields of X-ray physics and nanoscience. In addition, it provides surface spectroscopy and microscopy methods which are complementary to the techniques available at the different DESY accelerator-based light sources.
15 Apr 2021
DESY Hamburg
Postdoctoral Fellow Single-digit nanolithography
30 Jun 2021
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland
Dynamic-structural properties of lead-free GREEN perovskite for innovative large-scale photovoltaic applications
Public competition for the recruitment of 1 researcher with a fixed-term employment contract for three-year research program in the area of green initiatives.
19 Oct 2021
Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli, University of Milan (Italy)
Implementation of a spin-resolved imaging laboratory and generation of FAIR-by-design data
Public competition for the recruitment of 1 researcher with a fixed-term employment contract for three-year research program in the area of innovation initiatives.
19 Oct 2021
Department of Physics Aldo Pontremoli, University of Milan (Italy)
15 Post-doc positions within the GNeuS project
Research with neutrons, with its interdisciplinary approach, is indispensable for modern science. Taking into consideration tremendous changes in the European neutron landscape and assuming responsibility for sustainability, the neutron community is nowadays facing an important task to ensure long-term perspectives, that essentially depend on its ability to create a new generation of innovative highly-skilled researchers. To tackle this challenge, Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Technical University Munich (TUM) and Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Hereon), partners at the Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), are running the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Acton (MSCA) COFUND project “Global Neutron Scientists” (GNeuS) to train young neutron scientists through the establishment of a well-structured postdoctoral research program with a strong interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach and global outreach. Within GNeuS, postdoc grants are offered to solving the grand challenges facing mankind in areas such as environment, energy, key technologies, soft matter and life science as well as improving the existing instrumentation and the ancillary equipments and developing new sources or optimizing the existing ones. During the five year project lifetime and three calls, the three MLZ Partners offer a total of 45 fellowships each with a duration of 24 months.
15 Jan 2022
Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) - Garching
Postdoctoral Fellow for X-ray optics and X-ray wavefront characterization
The X-ray Optics and Applications Group of Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow in X-ray optics and X-ray wavefront characterization.
31 Jan 2022
Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Postdoctoral Fellow in X-ray optics and X-ray wavefront characterization
You should have experience in one or more of the following fields: - X-ray imaging techniques - Optics and wavefront characterization - Micro and nanofabrication techniques You enjoy hands-on laboratory work and the development of new instrumental methods. You like to collaborate, enjoy teamwork in multidisciplinary environment and can clearly communicate in good English with people from different backgrounds. You are highly motivated, can work independently and strive to contribute with new ideas.
23 Oct 2022
Paul Scherrer Institut 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Project Management Support
7 Jul 2023
CNR-IOM Trieste
Financial Management Support
7 Jul 2023
CNR-IOM Genova