Helping European researchers to benefit from NFFA-Europe, the project is reaching out to science and industrial communities, particularly those that are less favoured in terms of easy access to research infrastructures for nanoscience.
your smart guide to the NFFA platforms.
A key innovation of NFFA-Europe is the Technical Liaison Network forming the hub for (potential) users to get advice and to formulate high quality proposals. Eight TLNet nodes are operational with technical experts drawing together the technical platforms into a consistent and clear user offer and transferring best practice to provide optimal services to our users. Academic and industrial scientists can talk to TLNet on and via the NFFA-Europe web portal.
Academic and industrial scientists can talk to TLNet on and via the NFFA-Europe web portal.
The link to industry and use of the NFFA-Europe facilities by industry is an important component and a key metric of NFFA success. The industry and business development staff of the NFFA-Europe nodes are working closely together with TLNet to develop market understanding, and an effective awareness effort and efficient access for industry – already in the first NFFA calls proposals were submitted for free access by several companies.
making NFFA visible to the scientific and industrial communities.
Already in year 1 of the project, NFFA-EU has been out and about with posters, plenary presentations and booths at several academic and industrial conferences and exhibitions to raise visibility of the platforms. If you are organising or know of a conference that NFFA should be at – let us know on . As well as conferences, you can also follow NFFA via the web site and our LinkedIn (search for NFFA-Europe to link with us) and twitter (@NFFA_Europe) accounts
A few of the places where you might have seen and where you can still see NFFA coming up soon:
ESRF User Meeting 2016; 08-10.02; Grenoble, F
SPIE 2016
Photonics Europe; 04-07.04; Brussels, B
NanaX7 2016
Prospects of Nanoscience with Nanocrystals; 04-08.04; Marburg, D
EMRS Spring mtg 2016
European Materials Research Society; 02-06.05; Lille, F
5th World Congress on Material Science & Engineering; 13-15.06; Alicante, Spain
ITC 2016
Industrial Technology Conference; 22-24.06; Amsterdam, NL
nanoFIS 2016
Functional Integrated nanoSystem; 27-29.06; Graz, A
Internal conference on Experimental Mechanics; 03-07.07; Rodos, G
NanoTexnology; 05-08.07; Thessaloniki, G
ANM 2016
Internal Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials; 20-22.07; Aveiro, P
MNE 2016
Micro and Nano Engineering; 19-23.09; Vienna, A
ICRI 2016
International Conference on Research Infrastructures; 03-05.10; Cape Town, SA
Carnot 2016; 05-06.10; Lyon, France
REinEU 2016
Re-Industrialisation of the EU 2016; 26-28.10; Bratislava, Slovakia
ANNIC 2016
Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference; 09-11.11; Barcelona, Spain
Are you organising or considering to organise a NFFA-related event?
Are you organising or considering to organise a NFFA-related event? Then you could include in your scientific programme a NFFA session, both for academia and/or industries, and all the costs will be supported by the NFFA-Europe project. For more information, please visit the NFFA web portal or contact us at .
Training and mobility for next generation nanotech scientists.
Teaching students the platforms and opportunities of NFFA, the first School was held in Barcelona (18 July to 22 July) with 30 students, half benefiting from NFFA travel bursaries, coming together from across Europe. The five-day school trained participants through lectures given by top NFFA researchers and specialists from across Europe. This first school was devoted to synchrotron radiation, teaching and demonstrating the benefits and synergies between synchrotron techniques and nanotechnology. Keep an eye out for the second school coming up later in NFFA!
Making sense of all that data!
NFFA brings together over 20 platforms – each producing data and results, which need tracking and management. A WorkPackage is dedicated to the setup of the first integrated Information and Data management Repository Platform (IDRP) for the nanoscience community within the NFFA-Europe project. For an efficient data archiving, it is essential to incorporate existing standards, recommendations, and evolving best practices of data management, as well as to employ existing e-infrastructures, where applicable.
The first integrated Information and Data management Repository Platform for the nanoscience community
To this purpose, NFFA is developing a close and collaborative cooperation with EUDAT, a Pan-European infrastructure providing data services, training and consultancy for research communities. As a data pilot, NFFA decided to adopt the emerging EUDAT service called B2SHARE, while providing useful feedback for its tuning or extension.
The integration of B2SHARE into the NFFA-Europe IDRP infrastructure will allow the users to access, share and publish their long tail data, becoming a recommended part of the mainstream in nanoscience.