How to reach

KNMFi technologies are located in several different institutes at KIT Campus North

The nearest city to KIT is Karlsruhe. Public transport is available from Karlsruhe to KIT North Campus and local towns. The local town of Eggenstein also has some hotels and public transport.

In case you need additional information relating to travel, hotels or you visit to KIT please get in touch with your local contacts or KNMF user office +49 721 608-23123,


Travel by Air

The nearest airports to KIT are Frankfurt Main, Stuttgart and Baden Airpark.

To travel to Karlsruhe from Frankfurt or Stuttgart airports, it is best to take a train to Karlsruhe Main Station. You can plan your train journey and buy a ticket on

There is a bus service linking Baden Airpark to Karlsruhe

Arrival by train

The nearest main railway station is Karlsruhe Haupt Bahnhof

It is necessary to take local transport or a taxi to KIT campus north which is located about 14 kilometers north of Karlsruhe.

You can plan your train journey and buy a ticket on

Local public transport

It is also possible to book local transport via the train web page

The local transport provider is the KVV

Please note – single tickets are valid for just a few hours after purchase e.g. 3 hours for a 3 zone ticket. A 3 zone ticket is needed to travel from Karlsruhe to KIT Campus North. You need to take a tram and then a bus, total journey time is about 40 minutes. The bus stop at KIT is called KIT Campus North Südtor. For exact details see the web pages of the KVV.


Any hotel in Karlsruhe or the locality may be selected. The upper refundable limit is 79€. If you cannot find a hotel within this price bracket please inform your local contact at KIT.

The nearest hotel to KIT North Campus is Hotel Leo