The Institute of Optics (IO-CSIC) is part of CSIC's network of research centres. It is today the leading public research center in Spain dedicated to advancing the frontiers of optics and photonics. IO-CSIC hosts at present 70 researchers and 35 technicians. It is arranged in seven research groups covering every aspect of Optics and Photonics, with particular emphasis in areas such as Light-Matter interaction, Nanophotonics and Optical Communications, Non-linear Dynamics of Optical Systems, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, Image Processing, Optical Radiation Measurements.
The Laser Processing group (LPG) is part of the IO-CSIC. Its activity focuses on the study of fundamental and applied aspects of laser-matter interaction aiming at discovering, understanding and controlling laser-matter interaction phenomena down to the nanometer (spatial) and femtosecond (temporal) scales, with application in the fields of photonics, nanotechnology and ultrafast science. The different applications addressed include photonics/ICTs (solid state lightening devices, sensors, tailored and multifunctional 3D self-organized nanostructures), renewable energies (hyperdoped semiconductors), and tribology applications based on biomimetics or self-organization phenomena.