Scanning probe lithography (SPL) methods like dip-pen nanolithography (DPN), polymer pen lithography (PPL), microcontactspotting (µCS) and FluidFM have all unique strengths in terms of resolution, obtainable throughput and patterning speed. Generally, SPL methods utilize the excellent control over positioning and movement of a tip (the probe) or sample stage as offered by atomic force microscopy (AFM) based technologies for highly localized deposition of “inks” (chemical compounds or carrier fluids with functional components). They work additive, maskless and exhibit broad compatibility with delicate chemical and biological inks, offer mild process parameters and are capable of multiplexing (i.e. deposition of different compounds within a desired micropattern). µCS and DPN in particular have shown great potential for low-volume liquid deposition in the femto- and attoliter regime for chemical surface functionalization. SPL methods can functionalize surfaces over a wide range of resolutions and feature sizes. They can also be used for targeted functionalization of devices and pre-existing structures, e.g. for integration into microfluidics or sensor functionalization, or do in-situ chemical synthesis.
On the SPL setups in the facility (Nanoink DPN5000, Nanoink NLP2000, Molecular Printer) we can offer a wide range of different techniques. from Dip-pen Nanolithography, Polymer Pen Lithography (PPL), automated Microcontactprinting (µCP), Microchannel Cantilever Spotting (µCS), and Capillary Spotting (CS) with various inks and at different length scales from nano to micro.
[1] Liu, G.; Hirtz, M.; Fuchs, H.; Zheng, Z. Development of Dip‐Pen Nanolithography (DPN) and Its Derivatives. Small 2019, 15, 1900564, doi:10.1002/smll.201900564;
[2] Atwater, J.; Mattes, D.S.; Streit, B.; von Bojničić-Kninski, C.; Loeffler, F.F.; Breitling, F.; Fuchs, H.; Hirtz, M. Combinatorial Synthesis of Macromolecular Arrays by Microchannel Cantilever Spotting (µCS). Adv. Mater. 2018, 30, 1801632, doi:10.1002/adma.201801632;
[3] Hussain, N.; Fu, T.; Marques, G.; Das, C.; Scherer, T.; Bog, U.; Berner, L.; Wacker, I.; Schröder, R.R.; Aghassi‐Hagmann, J.; Hirtz, M. High‐Resolution Capillary Printing of Eutectic Gallium Alloys for Printed Electronics. Adv. Mater. Technol. 2021, 6, 2100650, doi:10.1002/admt.202100650.
Highly dependent of printed material ("ink") and substrate wetting properties. Generally, 100nm to several 10µm can be adressed.
Relative positioning in the low nanometer range (nominal scanning resolution is often sub-nanometer for the positioning piezos). Absolute positioning (to e.g. adress existing prestructures or markers) is subject to the optical resolution of the in-situ microscopes and the visibility of the prestructures or devices. Here, typically around 1µm of precision can be achieved, sub-micron precision can be obtained in special cases.
Standard sample size is around 2cm x 2cm, but samples as big as 15 x 15cm are possible. Small samples (<0.5cm x 0.5cm) might be needed to be fixed to a holder. The machines can work with almost any material (given a suitable ink/substrate interaction), but samples should be rather flat (surface needs to be accesible by the probe) and not too rough (low nm scale works best, though in general sub-micron rughness can work but will reduce feature resolution.
Ambient, humidity can be adjusted.
In-situ optical microscopy
Chemical lab and a plasma cleaner are available for sample cleaning and preparation.
The facility offers a set of optical fluorescence microscopes (upright and inverted), AFM, and Profilometer for direct characterization. In the institute and broader KNMFi mayn additional methods (SEM, TEM, XPS,...) are available.
Users can be trained on machines for in person use, or work closely together with technology expert that can implement the needed lithography.
The FluidFM (nanosurf FlexAFM with Cytosurge FluidFM expansion) offers the possibility for dispensing of nanoscale droplets of inks to a surface in air or also in liquid (as the deposition tip / microfluidics is closed).
[1] Zambelli, T.; Aebersold, M.; Behr, P.; Han, H.; Hirt, L.; Guillaume-gentil, O.; Vörös, J. FluidFM: Development of the Instrument as well as Its Applications for 2D and 3D Lithography. Open-SpaceMicrofluidics Concepts, Implementations, Appl. 2018, 295–322; [2] Berganza, E.; Hirtz, M. Direct-Write Patterning of Biomimetic Lipid Membranes In Situ with FluidFM. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 50774–50784, doi:10.1021/acsami.1c15166.
Highly dependent of printed material ("ink") and substrate wetting properties. Generally, sub 1µm resolution can be achieved.
Relative positioning in the low nanometer range (nominal scanning resolution is sub-nanometer for the tip positioning). Absolute positioning (to e.g. adress existing prestructures or markers) is subject to the optical resolution of the in-situ microscopes and the visibility of the prestructures or devices. Here, typically around 1µm of precision can be achieved, sub-micron precision can be obtained in special cases.
Standard sample size is around 2cm x 2cm, larger samples could be possible after consultaion. Small samples (<0.5cm x 0.5cm) might be needed to be fixed to a holder. The substrate needs to be transparent if in-situ monitoring is desired/needed. Otherwise, the machines can work with almost any material (given a suitable ink/substrate interaction), but samples should be rather flat (surface needs to be accesible by the probe) and not too rough (low nm scale works best, though in general sub-micron rughness can work but will reduce feature resolution.
Ambient and Liquid.
In-situ optical microscopy (from below sample) and lower resolution video monitoring from above.
Chemical lab and a plasma cleaner are available for sample cleaning and preparation.
The facility offers a set of optical fluorescence microscopes (upright and inverted), AFM, and Profilometer for direct characterization. In the institute and broader KNMFi mayn additional methods (SEM, TEM, XPS,...) are available.
Users can be trained on machines for in person use, or work closely together with technology expert that can implement the needed lithography.