Open Access to JRC Nanobiotechnology Laboratory

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) Nanobiotechnology Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipped facilities designed to foster interdisciplinary studies. A special emphasis lies on characterisation of nanomaterials, microplastics, nanomedicines, advanced materials and their interactions with biological systems, as well as on the detection, identification and characterisation of nanomaterials in food and consumer products.
Its institutional work focuses on a science-based understanding of nanomaterial properties and their interactions with biological systems in order to support the safe and sustainable development of nanotechnology.
In the Framework of Open Access to JRC Research Infrastructures, the JRC Nanobiotechnology Laboratory is being opened up for access by external researchers in order to promote the development and exploitation of nanotechnology, advanced materials and related topics. Researchers will be able to conduct a range of research activities including experimental proof-of-concept studies to testing/optimisation of developed technologies (H2020 Technology readiness level 2-4).