26 Sep 2023 - Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Garching bei München, Germany
Two joint NFFA-Europe workshops on open data, microscopy and analytical large-scale facilities

Speaker presentations:
FAIR and Open Data in NFFA-Europe Pilot and Beyond
Bridging Microscopy and Analytical Large-Scale Facilities
FAIR and Open Data in NFFA-Europe Pilot and Beyond
NFFA-Europe is glad to announce two upcoming workshops which will explore some highly relevant issues in the world of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The two half-day events will take place at the MLZ (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum) premises in Garching bei München (Germany) on September 26th.
The first workshop “FAIR and Open Data in NFFA-Europe Pilot and Beyond”, scheduled in the morning (9:00-13:00), will be focused on Open Data practices and FAIR principles and their relevance for research infrastructure activities and, more in general, for the advancement of science.
The first four speakers will present the approaches adopted by the NFFA-Europe Pilot project, sharing insights and successful stories. Special attention will be devoted to the solutions and tools devised and implemented during the project’s research journey. In the second part of the workshop, other European research projects will take the stage: FAIRMAT, NFDI-MatWerk, MARVEL and GO FAIR. Speakers will discuss practical use cases and provide further valuable insights.
The second workshop “Bridging Microscopy and Analytical Large-Scale Facilities”, scheduled in the afternoon (14:00-17:50), will switch the focus to another aspect of paramount importance in nanoscience research: how to seamlessly combine cutting-edge experiments at analytical large-scale facilities with complementary lab-based microscopy.
The workshop will explore the opportunity to collect data and information at the nanoscale using different imaging modalities, an issue which is highly attractive for interdisciplinary nanoscience communities. The eight speakers will present relevant results and discuss the way forward to establish a user platform which will allow to collect correlative structural and chemical information of nanoscale objects.
The workshops can be attended either in person or remotely.
We invite you to register for these exciting workshops by filling in this form.
Download the detailed agendas:
FAIR and Open Data in NFFA-Europe Pilot and Beyond | AGENDA
Bridging Microscopy and Analytical Large-Scale Facilities | AGENDA
Links to attend remotely
FAIR and Open Data in NFFA-Europe Pilot and Beyond: https://bluejeans.com/975290039/8938
Bridging Microscopy and Analytical Large-Scale Facilities: https://bluejeans.com/846146148/8706
We advice you to access the invitation link using the Chrome browser or install the BlueJeans app in advance.
Location venue
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
at the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II)
Lichtenbergstraße 1
85748 Garching bei München
How to reach the location
From Munich Airport (around 45 minutes):
Take the S-Bahn line S1 to the “Neufahrn” stop and from there take the bus line 690 to the last stop “Garching Forschungszentrum”.
For tickets, download the MVG app.
From Munich (around 25 minutes):
Take the U6 underground line to the last stop “Garching Forschungszentrum”.
For tickets, download the MVG app.
By car:
A9 motorway, exit 70 “Garching Nord”.