17 Apr 2024 - AREA Science Park Padriciano Campus Trieste, Italy
Call for abstracts: workshop Multimessenger Approach to out-of-equilibrium DYnamics in Complex Systems

The Multimessenger Approach to out-of-equilibrium DYnamics in Complex Systems (MADYCS) workshop, organized by NFFA-Trieste with Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste and CNR-IOM, aims to present the latest results of the study of non-equilibrium phenomena in the field of condensed matter physics, obtained using modern ultrafast laser sources, based on table-top instruments or large-scale facilities (such as free electron lasers). The potential and state of the art of these instruments will also be addressed.
The event will be divided into four sections dedicated to time-resolved spectroscopy based on table-top sources, high harmonic generation (HHG), and free-electron lasers (FEL), along with their potential interactions. Prestigious invited speakers will present their recent results on various condensed matter systems, ranging from two-dimensional systems to superconductors, from nanostructured materials to transition metal dichalcogenides, from peroskyte to magnetic materials.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 21, 2024.
More info, registration and abstract submission: https://indico.elettra.eu/event/43/