Call for industrial partners

Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis - Europe | PILOT
(GA n. 101007417 - NEP) looks for Industrial Partners to either join the consortium for specific activities, or constitute a stakeholder group aiming to link the NFFA-Europe research infrastructure with the industrial innovation sector.

NFFA - Europe PILOT is a 15 million euros research project funded by the EU in the framework of the H2020 program, it aims at expanding and consolidating the operation of an Interoperable Distributed Research Infrastructure for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and it will last five years. It is coordinated by the Italian Materials Foundry Institute (IOM) of the National Research Council (CNR) and involves 22 international partners ( 

The main framework of action of NFFA - Europe PILOT is focused on the following actions:

  • enhancing the open access platform for carrying out comprehensive projects for interdisciplinary and integrative research at the nanoscale
  • emphasizing the production of research data compliant with FAIR principles as guidelines, to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse of digital assets
  • strengthening and implementing the research infrastructure with particular attention to the interoperability of the various laboratories
  • creating an innovative offer for the use of the infrastructure by academic and industrial users, for scientific excellence and innovation


DEADLINE EXTENDED: September 30, 2021


What are we looking for?

Private companies, both SMEs and large enterprises interested in:

  • participating in innovation initiatives in the context of a distributed research infrastructure that integrates nanofoundries (synthesis and manipulation of nanostructures) with fine analysis available at European large-scale facilities, creating a unique offer for the nanosciences and nanomaterials community
  • working in partnership in the areas of nanotechnology, nanoscience, and/or scientific and technological data management, with ambition to be an insider of a multi-technical and multi-disciplinary European research infrastructure involving 22 national centres and organizations; NEP will solicit the participation of industrial and service oriented partners and will grant preference to enterprises involved in the green transition
  • contributing to optimize open access initiatives of direct interest for industrial or service innovation, taking advantage of the full range of state-of-the-art methods for research in nanoscience and data services offered by NEP

What will the main action tasks of the partner be?

  • Interfacing NFFA-Europe and the Open Innovation initiatives at EU and international level, and contributing to the European Materials Characterization Council (EMCC) roadmap
  • contributing to identify innovation initiatives that could enhance impact of NEP on European industrial competitiveness
  • contributing to disseminate in the industrial world the Transnational Access (TA) programme; advising on how to develop ad-hoc solutions for supporting industrial research also by considering options such as offering their own facilities in the TA catalogue of NEP, e.g. characterization services in an industrial environment

Why become a partner?

Visibility: the new partner will have the recognition of being part of a great scientific network of excellence with thousands of users.

Promotion: the new partner will share with the whole consortium the dissemination and promotion activities.

Joint Work: private companies will be able to support the in-house innovation strategy.

Comprehensive benefits: the new partner will be exposed/contribute to co-creation opportunities and may test own solutions on a highly qualified scientific community.


A very limited budget is available to support costs incurred in relation to Open Innovation activities and in contributing to the EMCC roadmap. The opportunity to share the strategic orientation and developments of a research infrastructure addressing different TRL needs should be the main incentive.

How to apply?

If you are interested in participating in this innovative, visionary, and integrative European research project, please download and fill in the application form, then send it to

Download the application form
DEADLINE EXTENDED: September 30, 2021